Names |
Research Fields |
BAO Ning |
Chen Chaoyong |
History of Technology in Modern China.
CHEN Wei |
History of Technology and Mathematics.
CHEN Xiaoshan |
History of S&T in Ancient China, History of Geography.
CHEN Yue |
History of the Transmission of S&T between China and the West, History of mechanics.
Cheng Zhanjing |
Literature and Information
DU Xinhao |
History of Agriculture, Environmental History in Pre-modern China
FAN Xiaolong |
Newtonian Optics, Scientific Revolution
FANG Yibing |
History of modern metallurgy, History of modern technology, comparative studies of S&T development, S&T strategy.
FANG Zaiqing |
History of science, Philosophy of Science, Sociology of Science.
GAO Feng |
History of Mathematics, Scientific and Technical Classics
GAO Lu |
STS, Historiography ofS&T, Scientific and Technological Policy.
Gao Zhimin |
GUAN Xiaowu |
History of Technology, Archaeological Science.
GUO Jinhai |
History of Modern Mathematics in China, Social History of Science in Modern China, History of CAS.
GUO Yuanyuan |
History of Arabic Mathematics in Ancient Times.
HAN Yi |
History of traditional Chinese medicine, History of epidemic diseases, Studies of scientific and technological literature in ancient China.
HUANG Xing |
History of Physics, History of Iron Smelting Technology, History of Machinery, The Computer Simulation Research for History of Technology
JIAO Zhengshan |
Science, Technology and Society; Science-related Museums; The History of Science and Culture; Science Communication.
Jinyan Liu |
History of Modern Physics.
LI Jinsong |
History of Chemistry in Ancient China, History of Education in Ancient China, Investigations of Traditional arts and crafts in China.
LI Liang |
History of astronomy; History of Sino-Foreign Science Exchanges
LI Meng |
Policy and Strategy of Science and Technology.
LI Mingyang |
History of Engineering and Technology
LI Runhu |
Li Yingxin |
Li Yunyi |
Liu Hongjun |
History of science in Ming and Qing Dynasties, history of meteorological knowledge, history of physics, comparative study of science between East and the West
LIU Hui |
History of S&T in Ancient China, History of Textile Technology.
LIU Liang |
History of Science in Modern China; History of Agriculture.
LIU Yexin |
History of Medicine
Lü Xin |
Pan Shuyuan |
RAO Kai |
Management of S&T, Policy and Strategy of S&T.
Ren Xiaolin |
Geoarchaeology, environmental archaeology, and environmental history
Shuhui LIU |
Sino-foreign exchanges in science, medicine, and history
Si Hongwei |
Computer History; Scientific Communication; Science Museum
SUN Chengsheng |
History of science in the Ming and Qing Dynasties; Sino-Western scientific exchanges in 17-19th centuries.
SUN Lie |
History of Technology
SUN Xianbin |
Chinese Classics, Archives Digitization, History of Science and Technology
TIAN Miao |
History of Mathematics, Comparative Studies of Science.
WANG Bin |
History of Technology in modern China, History of Railway Engineering.
WANG Fang |
Soviet and Russian history of science and technology, space history
WANG Gong |
The social history of science and technology in modern China (History of science in WWII, History of nutrition science, History of electronics and communications engineering)
Wang HaoLin |
Chinese Traditional Architectural Craftsmanship, History and Theory of Chinese Architecture
WANG Lingyan |
WANG Tao |
History of Modern Mathematics, The Spread of Mathematical Culture
Wang Xiaofei |
WANG Yanyu |
STS, Studies of Scientific and Technologic Management and Strategy.
WEI Yi |
Wen Heng |
The history of science and technology in modern China
Wu Miao |
The history of science and technology in modern China ,History of medicine
Wu Shilei |
XU Fengxian |
History of astronomy, Archaeoastronomy.
YAN Xingru |
Science Communication, Design Management
YAO Dazhi |
history of science and technology in France, phenomenology of science and technology, historiography of science and technology
YU Yueyuan |
ZHANG Baichun |
History of technology, mechanics and knowledge transmission; comparative studies of S&T development; S&T strategy study
ZHANG Jingfei |
History of Earth Sciences, History of Science &Technology Diplomacy
ZHANG Jiuchen |
History of the geosciences.
ZHANG Zhihui |
History of Science and Technology in Modern China; Philosophy of Technology and Engineering
ZHENG Cheng |
History of S&T in Ming and Qing China, History of Military Technology.
History of Technology, Museology, Cultural Heritage
ZHOU Wenli |
History of S&T in Ancient China, History of Metallurgy, Scientific Archaeology.
ZHOU Xiaohan |
The history of mathematics in China
ZOU Dahai |
History of Mathematics in Ancient China, especially the early period.