IHNS English
  • A Congratulation Letter from the Secretary General of the IUHPS/DHST
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science

Division of History of Science and Technology


Union Internationale d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences

Division d’Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques


Athens, October 29, 2008

 To the

8th General Assembly of the

Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology

President Liu Dun

 Dear President of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, dear Colleagues,

 The historians of science and technology of all over the world have been deeply impressed by the dynamism and the efficiency of our Chinese colleagues during the International Congress of History of Science, organised by you and held in Beijing three years ago. This Congress will remain in the collective memory of historians of science as one of the most successful ever held! In Beijing, we have been in contact with a numerous scholarly society of Chinese colleagues, and learned about their efforts to further develop history of science and technology in China.

The Chinese cultural heritage concerning history of science and technology is immense. During the last decades, the historiography of science has explored new paths, especially those of the development of history of science and technology outside Europe. In this direction, China is the most important field of study. It has developed its own science and has assimilated science and technology of other civilisations, such as the Islamic and the European. Recent research has shown that the interactions are far more important than we thought in the past, as new data are brought by historians.

 On the occasion of the Shanghai’s General Assembly of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, on behalf of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science / Division of History of Science and Technology, I wish you all the success, as well for your collective efforts, as for your individual research. The IUHPS/DHST and the worldwide society of historians of science and technology, are looking forward to collaborate with the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology and with our Chinese colleagues.


Efthymios Nicolaidis

IUHPS/DHST Secretary General