IHNS English
  • Klaus Kornwachs Gave a Lecture Entitled "Structure of Technology and Convergence"
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

  Invited by Center for the Study on the Development Strategies of Individual Disciplines, Professor Klaus Kornwachs gave a lecture entitled “Structure of Technology and Convergence” at the IHNS on Oct. 25th, 2013. Associate Professor Yao Dazhi of the IHNS presided over the lecture.

  Kornwachs suggests that the technological convergence can be conceived as a substitution of nuclei of technologies. A lot of technological developments can be described as convergence processes. Such each technology is considered as a daughter of two converging technologies. In a sense, one can try to look for future convergence processes in order to make foresights about possible technological futures.

  Kornwachs is a permanent Honorary Professor for Philosophy at University Ulm, Germany since 1990, and he held the Chair for Philosophy of Technology at Brandenburg Technical University of Cottbus from 1992 to 2011. His main fields in research are philosophy of technology, analytical philosophy, philosophy of Sciences, general system theory, and so on.