1. 陈晓珊. 北宋保甲法制定与实施过程中的区域差异,( Regional difference during formulation and implementation of Bao Jia system in North Song Dynasty), 史学月刊, 2013,(6): 49-56.
2. 陈悦. 揭暄的学术交往与著述, (Jie Xuan’s scholarly intercourse and his writings), 哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2009,11(2):1-9.
3. 关晓武. 马头琴制作艺术调查, (An Investigation on the Arts of Making Matouqin(Horse-Head Stringed Musical Instrument), 《技术:历史与遗产》(北京:中国农业科学技术出版社), 2010, 322-331.
4. 韩琦. 科学、知识与权力——日影观测与康熙在历法改革中的作用, (Science, Knowledge and Power: Observations of the Shadows of the Sun and the Kangxi Emperor’s Role in the Calendrical Reform), 自然科学史研究, 2011, 30(1):1-18.
5. 韩毅. 汉唐时期牛疫的流行与防治, (The Prevalence of Cattle Epidemics and Its Responses in the Han and Tang Dynasties), 中华医史杂志, 2013, 43 (2):80-87.
6. 胡维佳. 宋代水运仪象台研究与复原中的两个问题,( New Problems in the Study and Reconstruction of the Song Dynasty Water-Powered Armillary Sphere and Celestial Globe Tower), 自然科学史研究, 2007, 26(3):265-272.
7. 鲁大龙. (崇祯历书、历象考成和历象考成后编中的太阳运动理论), Theories of Solar Motion in Chongzhen Lishu, Yuzhi Lixiang Kaocheng and Lixiang Kaocheng Houbian, 《多元文化视角下的中国科技史研究:第十二届国际中国科学史会议文集》, 北京:科学出版社, 2012, 124-135.
8. 宁晓玉. 王锡阐与第谷体系, (Wang Xichan and the Tychonic System), 自然辩证法通讯, 2013, 35(3):81-85.
9. 苏荣誉. 论中国冶铜术的起源及早期冶铜术, (Studies on the Beginning of Metallurgy and Metal Technology in Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic China), 《磨戟——苏荣誉自选集》, 上海人民出版社, 2012, 1-62.
10. 苏湛. 宋人科技兴趣的计量研究, (Shifts in Interest in Science and Technology in 11th Century China), 中国科技史杂志, 2011, 32(3):347-359.
11. 孙小淳. (天人之际,天文学在中国古代社会和文化中的角色), Connecting Heaven and Man: The role of astronomy in ancient Chinese society and culture, Proceedings of the 260th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union. Cambridge U. Press, 2011, 98-106.
12. 田淼. (勾股术的形式系统——李锐《勾股细草》研究),A Formal System of the Gougu Method: a Study on Li Rui’s Detailed Outline of Mathematical Procedures for the Righy-Angled Triangle, The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 552-573.
13. 王广超. 明清之际定气注历之转变, (Change of Qi Annotation in the Annual Almanacs during the Late Ming and the Early Qing), 自然科学史研究, 2012, 31(1): 26-36.
14. 徐凤先. (以系列相对历日关系确定西周金文月相术语的范围), Using Sequential Relations of Day-Dates to Determine the Temporal Scope of W. Zhou Lunar Phase Terms, Early China, 2010-2011, 33-34: 171-198.
15. 姚大志. 论全球视野下的中国古代技术史模型, (On the Model of Chinese Ancient History of Techniques from a Global Perspective), 科学文化评论, 2010, 7 ( 4 ):56-73.
16. 曾雄生. 虎耳如锯猜想——基于环境史的解读, (Tiger with Saw- toothed Ear: A Reading Based on the Ecological History in Song China), 中国历史地理论丛, 2008, (2): 23-32.
17. 赵翰生等.唐代缭绫工艺及纹样特征探微,( A Probe into the Features of Processes and Patterns of Liao Ghatpot in Tang Dynasty), 中华科技史学会学刊, 2012, (17): 38-44.
18. 郑诚. 守圉增壮——明末西洋筑城术之引进, (The Trace Italienne in China: Introduction of European Fortification in the Late Ming), 自然科学史研究, 2011, 30(2): 129-150.
19. 郑术. 内丹人体图风格探源 ——在《性命法诀明指》中西对话的视野中,( Why Are Traditional Alchemical Illustrations in Such a Style?——In the Context of Sino-Western Dialog in Xingming Fajue Mingzhi), 科学文化评论, 2011, 8 ( 3 ): 53-66.
20. 邹大海. 出土简牍与中国早期数学史, (The unearthed bamboo and wooden strips and mathematics in early China), 人文与社会学报(台湾), 2008, 2(2): 71-98.
1. 郭金海. 蒋介石《中国之命运》与中央研究院的回应,( Chiang Kai-shek’s China’s Destiny and the Responses of Academia Sinica), 自然科学史研究, 2012, 31(2):180—200.
2. 何涓. 碳原子、取代基及官能团数目的中文命名演变:1908-1932, (Evolution of the Chinese Nomenclature for Number of Carbon, Substituent and Function: 1908-1932), 中国科技术语, 2012, 14(6):41-46, 49.
3. 胡晓菁. 苏联专家与新疆综合科学考察发表刊物, 当代中国史研究, 2012, (1):58-66.
4. 刘晓. 北平研究院的学术会议及会员制度, 中国科技史杂志, 2010, 31(1): 36-52.
5. 刘洋, 张藜. 备战压力下的科研机构布局——以中国科学院对三线建设的早期应对为例, (The Arrangement of Scientific Institutions under the Pressure of the Cold War: The Example of the Response of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Period of the Sanxian Construction), 中国科技史杂志, 2012, 33(4):433-447.
6. 罗桂环、李昂. 哈佛大学阿诺德树木园对我国植物学早期发展的影响, (The impacts of Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum to the early development of botany in China), 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 10(3):1-8.
7. 孙烈. 中国走出自制重大技术装备困境的一次尝试——上海1.2 万吨锻造水压机的设计与制造, (A Case Study on China's Self-made Major Technical Equipment: The Design and Manufacturing of Shanghai's 120MN forging Hydraulic Press), 自然科学史研究, 2011, 30(3):366-382.
8. 王斌. 20世纪初胶济与津浦铁路的连接问题及相关思考, (Issues and Related Considerations on the connecting of Shantung Railway and Tsinpu Railway in the Early 20th Century), 中国科技史杂志, 2012, 33(3):355-365.
9. 王丽娜.改革开放初期中国科学院“办院方针”之争, (The Debate on Work Guideline of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Early Stage of Reform and Opening-up), 科学文化评论, 2010, 7(6): 5-22.
10. 王扬宗. 从院士到学部委员——中国科学院学术体制建立的困境, (The Election of Academic Members and the Establishment of the Academic Divisions of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1950s), 《两岸分治:学术建制、图像宣传与族群政治》台北:中研院近史所, 2012, 65-135.
11. 熊卫民. 中西科学社团的交流(1949-1982)——以中国生物化学(委员)会为例, (Communication of Scientific Communities between China and West(1949–1982): Take the Chinese Biochemistry Committee/Society as an Example), 科学文化评论, 2013, 10(2):50-72.
12. 王勇忠.竺可桢人口思想研究, (Research on Coching Chu’s Population Theory), 自然辩证法研究, 2012, 28(11):94-98.
13. 张九辰. 从动力到能源:中国科学院能源研究的兴起, (From Dynamic to Energy Resources: the Process of Energy Resources Research in Chinese Academy of Science), 自然科学史研究, 2010, 29(2): 166-176.
14. 张藜. 科学家的经济生活与社会声望, 1949—1966年:以中国科学院为例, (Social and Political Status of Scientists in China, 1949-1966:The Case of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), 中国当代史研究, 2009, (1):106-142.
15. 张明悟. 刘岳云的“西学中源”论及其构建的科学知识体系,( Liu Yueyun’s Viewpoint on the Theory of “Chinese Origin of Western Learning ” and His Construction of Scientific &Technical), 自然科学史研究, 2012, 31(2):152-166.
16. 张志会. (中国水坝工程建设中的伦理问题探讨), Dam Construction Ethics in China, 《发展和哲学:美国、中国和欧洲观点》, 斯普林格出版社, 2012, 11:317-327.
1. 方一兵. (英国钢铁技术向近代东亚的转移:以中国青溪铁厂与日本釜石铁厂为案例), British Iron and Steel Technology's Transfer in Early Modern East Asia: The Case of Qingxi Iron Works, China and Kamaishi Iron Works, Japan, 《多元文化视角下的中国科技史研究:第十二届国际中国科学史会议文集》, 北京:科学出版社, 2012, 224-232.
2. 方在庆. 库恩的身份认同——纪念《科学革命的结构》问世50周年, (The Identity of Thomas S. Kuhn: In Commemoration of the Fiftieth Years of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions), 科学文化评论, 2012,9(4):32-55.
3. 韩建平. 老庄影响了汤川秀树的物理学研究?,( Did Lao Tuz and Chuang Tuz Affect the Physical Research of Yukawa Hideki?), 科学文化评论, 2009, 6(5):25-37.
4. 黄荣光. 日本的科学技术法制体系简述, (A Brief Description of Science and Technology Legal System in Japan), 科学文化评论, 2010, 7(5):46-63.
5. 廖育群.“杯吸”与“蛭吸”的中外比较研究, (A Comparative Study on Cupping and Leeching between East and Wes), 中国科技史杂志, 2010, 31(3):257-272.
6. 刘益东.对不准原理与动车困境:人类已经丧失纠正重大错误的能力, (Miss aim principle and MU train's dilemma: The humans have already lost the ability to correct their great mistakes), 未来与发展, 2011, (12): 2-6.
7. 罗兴波. 17世纪下半叶英国科学研究方法的转变, (The Development of the Research Methods of British Science in Late 17th Century), 中国科技史杂志(全文转载于《人民大学书报资料中心•B2科学技术哲学》2011年第5期), 2011, 32(1):49-60.
8. 孙承晟. 明末传华的水晶球宇宙体系及其影响, (The Transmission of Crystalline Spheres Theory to Late Ming China and Its Influence), 自然科学史研究, 2011, 30(2):170-187.
9. 汪前进. 《混一疆理历代国都之图》的绘制与朝鲜太宗迁都和地方政区制度改革, The drawing of <Hun Yi Jiang Li Li Dai Guo Du Zhi Tu >Were Relationship with the Migration of Capital and the Reform of the Local Political System in the Taizong Period of Korea, 梨花史学研究(韩国), 2012, 第45辑.
10. 王彦雨. 科学的社会研究的“第三波”理论研究, (Research on Theory of the Third Wave of Science Studies), 自然辩证法研究, 2013, 29(4):51-57.
11. 颜宜葳. 伯驾在新加坡的医疗活动与早期教会医院的建立动因, (Peter Parker’s Medical Activities in Singapore and the Possible Motivation for the Establishment of Early Mission Hospitals), 中国科技史杂志, 2013, 34(2):159-172.
12. 姚立澄. (试论E. Diaz和《天文略》对中国天文学的影响), Tentative Discussion on E. Diaz and the Influence of Tianwenlue on the Chinese Astronomy, 《多元文化视角下的中国科技史研究:第十二届国际中国科学史会议文集》北京:科学出版社, 2012, 147-152.
13. 袁江洋. 重构科学发现的概念框架——元科学理论、理论与实验, (Reshaping the Conception Frame of Scientific Discoveries: Metatheories, Theories and Experiments), 科学文化评论, 2012, 9(4):56-79.
14. 张柏春等. 从苏联到中国的技术转移: 1949-1966, Technology Transfer from the Soviet Union to the P. R. China: 1949-1966, Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 2006, 4(2):105-167.
15. 张卜天. 中世纪自然哲学关于质的强度变化问题的争论, (The Debate on the Intension and Remission of Qualities in the Medieval Natural Philosophy), 自然辩证法通讯, 2010, 32(4): 35-41.
16. 赵振江. 数坛双壁——柯瓦列夫斯卡娅和埃米•诺特, (Two great women mathematicians—Kovalevskaia and Emmy Noether), 数学与人文, 2011, (4):57-64, 2012, (7):104-109.