IHNS English
  • Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology (CAHST) (biannual) was co-founded in 2017 by the IHNS, CAS, and Science Press, under two Editors-in-Chief, Prof. Zhang Baichun (former director of the IHNS) and Prof. Jürgen Renn (director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) and the Editorial Board (international historians of S&T and sinologists). As the first academic English journal on the history of S&T established by the Chinese, CAHST will hopefully enrich the discipline of the history of S&T. CAHST encourages studies with different perspectives and approaches, especially interdisciplinary research and cross-cultural and transnational studies on the history of science and knowledge, including issues of dissemination and transformation that go beyond the Chinese tradition. We hope that CAHST will bring to the international academic community a new understanding of the diversity and global character of science and technology. Encompassing a wide spectrum of topics, CAHST publishes longer research papers and reviews, but also specific studies on original documents and archaeological findings. Book reviews, review essays on previous research, ongoing discussions and controversies on historiography or methodology, and news of the profession are also welcomed. We aim to make each issue of this journal thematic, with more or less homogeneous subject matter. Authors from across the world are more than welcome to contribute their potential publications for CAHST.

Email: cahst@ihns.ac.cn

Homepage: https://www.sciengine.com/CAHST

Submission platform: https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/cahst

Link to CAHST’s page in Scopus:


Link to CAHST’s page in ProQuest:
