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  • The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology NO.4 2008
  • Update Time: 2024-07-31

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and technology  NO.4 2008


A Road That One Never Wanted to Take :

Chinese Academy of Sciences and I

XUE Pan-gao

(Bureau of Veteran Cadres, CAS, Beijing 100864, China)

Abstract While telling the story of himself, the author reviews in succession some important persons and some important events of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1951-1991, such as the orientations of Chinese Academy of Sciences and its Academic Division, the impact of "the Great Leap Forward" on Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the non-rational interventions of the high level power to science work.

Key words Xue Pan-gao , Chinese Academy of Sciences , history of biology

Nomination of Candidates for the First Batch of Members of Academia Sinica

GUO  Jinhai

(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)

Abstract The first election of members of Academia Sinica in 1948 is an important event in the history of modern Chinaese science. The nomination of candidates is a basic link in the election, which can not be ignored. This article studies the historical process from drafting a reference list of academician candidates by members of the National Research Council, who were recommended by the Preparatory Committee of the First Election of Members of Academia Sinica, to the formal nomination by academic organizations. The gains and losses of the formal nomination with its result are also analyzed. It is shown that the Preparatory Committee played an important role in unfolding the nomination and the election’s success.  Academia Sinica, Peking University, and Tsinghua University all provided important reference and candidates for the Council. The reasons why the Tsinghua University can submit weighty lists of academician candidates depend on not only its democratic and strict method of election, but also the resources of social relationship among Academia Sinica, Peking University, and Tsinghua University. This kind of resources has also a certain influence on the academic evaluation for the academician candidates.   

Key words  Academia Sinica, National Research Council, Preparatory Committee of  Election, election of members of Academia Sinica,system of academicians

The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Academia Sinica’s Council and Its Presidential Election in 1940

WANG Yangzong


Algorithms of the Limit and Magnitude of Solar Eclipse in Ancient China

 QU Anjing,

(Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069,China)

TANG Quan  

(Department of Mathematics, Xianyang Normal college, Xianyang 712000,China)

Abstract The magnitude of solar eclipse is an important item in mathematical astronomy in ancient China. The algorithm of solar-eclipse-magnitude designed by Chinese astronomers is not only related to the limit of solar eclipse but also to the lunar astronomers. According to Chinese astronomers after the 8th century, the solar eclipse limit had been taken as the distance between the apparent moon and the apparent node of solar and lunar orbit at the moment of the middle eclipse. Based on this definition, a beautiful model of the algorithm of solar-eclipse-magnitude was designed by Chinese calendar-makers. This paper shows that the astronomical meaning of the said model is clear and correct.

Key words solar eclipse,eclipse magnitude,eclipse limit,parallax


“Slantwise Cover” Idea and the Cosmic Model of Zhoubi Suanjing

WU Yunhao ,

(Institute for the History of Natural Science , CAS, Beijing 100010,China;

Chinese National Astronomy, Beijing 100005,China)

 LI Geng

(Institute for the History of Natural Science , CAS, Beijing 100010,China)

Abstract  It is reasonable to regard the heaven of Zhoubi Suanjing(The Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths) as a conical affair, while apical angle is about 165.7°and the highest sidetrack is in the south-north direction, paralleling with the ground, by analyzing the explaining cosmographical models on Zhou Bi of other scholars and comparing the Zhoubijia Shuo theory and Zhoubi Suanjing. From the view point of this model, the relation between Zhoubijia Shuo and Zhoubi Suanjing could be illuminated.

Key words  Zhoubi Suanjing, Zhoubijia Shuo, Gaitian theory



Introduction of François Viète's Equation Solution during the Kangxi Reign

PAN Yi’ning

(Mathematics & Software Institute, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China)

Abstract  Historians of mathematics have all along been interested in the source of the equation solution in the Shuli Jingyun. However, no one knows the correct answer until now. Based on contrasting the Shuli Jingyun, the Jiegenfang Suanfa, the Suanfa Zuanyao Zonggang and the Synopsis Mathematics, the author points out that the equation solution in the De Numerosa Potestatum of François Viète was introduced in China through those books during the Kangxi Reign. And we can know one of the sources of the equation solution in the Shuli Jingyun.

Key words  Antoine Thomas, Jiegenfang, equation solution, François Viète

 Reasearch on the Birth of Qin Jiushao and His Accession to Senior Officer

YANG Guoxuan

(Propaganda department, CPC Anyue Municipal Committee, Anyue 642350, China)


Abstract  According to the poem Congratulations on the Birth of Qin Jiyou’s Son written byQiao Xingjian and the district history of Qixian in Santai, and other materials, the author concludes that Qin Jiushao was born in March 1208, and promoted to be the senior officer of Qixian in October 1225.

Key words Qin Jiushao,date of birth,senior officer




An Ecological and Cultural Study on the Farm Implements of North China

ZHU Hongqi,  LIU Bing

(STS Institute, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China)


Abstract  With an ecological and cultural research into the farm implements of north China since modern times, the authors come to the conclusion that farm implements are the result of farmers adapting themselves to ecological environment, and that there is abundant social information implied in the farm implements and in the customs of using them. Integrated into the rural social life, farm implements present and produce a series of power relations.

Key words  farm implements of north China, ecological environment, social culture


Textual Research on the Five Dynasties and Northern Song Section of

A History of Science and Technology in ChinaChronological Table Volume

Su Zhan

(College of Philosophy and Sociology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)

Abstract A History of Science and Technology in China:Chronological Table Volume published by Science Press is an important reference book in the field of the history of Chinese science and technology. The book gives a systematic and clear authoritative chronological table of the history of the ancient Chinese science and technology for the first time, after researching the numerous original materials and summing up the achievements at home and abroad in this field for many years. However, the original materials of the history of the ancient Chinese science and technology are too vast and mixed to research, and the second-hand information is intermingled with the good and the bad. Hence, flaws are hard to avoid. This article did a textual research on the Five Dynasties and Northern Song section of the Chronological Table in order to make up for several flaws of the book.

Key words  A History of Science and Technology in China:Chronological Table Volume, textual research, Northern Song