- Studies in the History of Natural Science
- The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
- Science and Culture Review

- Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.2 2000
Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.2 2000
有关《九章算术》的一些讨论 |
莫绍揆 |
97-113 |
【Abstract】 This paper, which discusses various problems of Jiuzhang and Liu Hui's comments, is divided into five parts. The first part concerns Liu's biography. We interpret "Jin" as a king and not a dynasty, so we have a new argument to affirm that Liu Hui completed his commentary in AD 263. The second part concerns various Shu of Jiuzhang. We show that: Wantian is a sector and not a part of sphere surface: Huantian needs not be a full ring (as what Liu Hui thought). Milushu is another formula to evaluate the area of huantian. Shaoguangshu is a complete method to get LCM without any flaw. The Fulongshu and the answer of Gongjing are quite correct. All of them were well established and were criticized heretofore only because of their being misunderstood. In the third part we discuss in detail the theory of volume in Jiuzhang and show that Jiuzhang had discussed the general yangmas and bienaos, never restricted in normal case. Besides, Jiuzhang had made use of "qi" (chess), by means of which established the formulas about volumes. The fourth part concerns the theory of equations of Jiuzhang and we show that in particular, the "fa" is essentially the determinant, hence it is one of the fundamental concepts. In Jiuzhang we should work in the integral domain, and so in it we frequently have to do something which could be avoided for rational fields. We correct anew one paragraph which was hitherto regarded as hard to amend. In the last part we consider what Liu Hui singled out as three major issues.
夏仲康日食年代确定的研究史略 |
吴守贤 |
114-123 |
……WU Shouxian
【Abstract】 The Research on determining the age of Zhong-Kang Solar Eclipse-Shu Ching Eclipse-in Xia Dynasty has been done for more than 1300 years, which has produced 14 different results. This paper intends to introduce the background and the research method of each result. It also points out that this problem is still far from being solved. The paper suggests three fundamental starting points for obtaining a better solution of the problem. 1. To prove that it is a total solar eclipse or at least a major eclipse factor. 2. To make use of the modern ephemeris of the sun and the moon and sift all the data of the solar eclipse calculated in Luoyang during the period from the 20th century to the 22nd century BC. 3. To discuss the possibility of reducing or eliminating the effect after considering the influence of secular variation of the earth rotation rate and acceleration of the earth and moon system.
鲁国历谱及春秋、西周历法 |
陈美东 |
124-142 |
【Abstract】 Through the analysis of cyclical dates recorded in Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annals), it can be proved that the calendar used in State Lu is a kind of solar-lunar calendar, in which big months that contained 30 days alternate with small months that contained 29 days. Successive big months were arranged in special periods, and the length of a lunar month was 29. 531 days, although not a special length of lunar month was used in calculation of calendar. Generally, before the sib year of the reign period of Prince Xi (656 BC), the first months of a year were mainly the months after winter solstice, with only 6% of the years that could be affirmed exceptions. After that, most of the first months were the months that contained winter solstice, with 10% that could be affirmed exceptions. This shows the problem that the first month in a year was in swaying at that time, and consequently, a reform on the first month of a year was adopted in the sib year of Prince Xi. There was no straight regularity for arrangement of intercalary months. Approximately after the 7th year of the reign period of Prince Ding (503 BC), the intercalary regularity of arranging 7 intercalary months every 19 years took its shape. Based on the records of years, months and cycling dates in Chun Qlu, and in satisfying some explicit and connotative basic laws, as well as introducing some reasonable presuppositions, a Lu calendar table is given in this table. Calendars used in other states during the Spring and Autumn Period were basically identical with that used in State Lu, with the main difference lying in the first month of a year. Most of the states used the month containing winter solstice as the first month, while the month after winter solstice was also chosen in some states. Whether the months containing rain water was ever used as the first month is not quite clear. No matter which month was used as the first, it is doubtless that there was the problem that the first month was swaying. Calendars used in the Spring and Autumn Period is the continuation and development of that used in Western Zhou. Calendar used in Western Zhou witnessed a great change from adopting crescent as the beginning of a month to adopting the new moon as the beginning of a month, which should have taken place no later than 800 BC. From what we know now, its first month seems to be the month containing winter solstice, and the problem of swaying no doubt existed. Also the way of arranging intercalary months was irregular.
关于汉代的黄道坐标测量及其天文学意义 |
孙小淳 |
143-154 |
【Abstract】 The concept of ecliptic and ecliptic coordinate system were first introduced into astronomical measurement and calculation during the Han Dynasty. This paper investigates the Han measurements related to the ecliptic system: the position of the winter solstice, the obliquity of the ecliptic , and the longitudinal width of the 28 lunar mansions. In doing these we illustrate the role and implication of the ecliptic on astronomy during the Han Dynasty. The paper also studies the data of the huangdao neiwai du in the Shishi Xingjing star catalogue, the first star catalogue in China. Our analysis shows that the huangdao neiwai du is equivalent to the distance to the ecliptic as measured along the great hour circle, and the data are most probably measured during the Later Han Dynasty. In the end of this paper, we argue that the development of the ecliptic system was due to the influence of the huntian cosmographical theory, which was to replace the gaitian theory to start a revolution in ancient Chinese astronomy.
中国古代“嫁枣”法的起源传承关系及技术演进 |
周肇基 |
155-164 |
【Abstract】 The technique of "嫁枣jiazao" and "嫁李jiali", which was first recorded by Jia Sixie of the Northern Wei Dynasty in his Qi Min Yao Shu (Important Arts for the People's Welfare), has been widely used even till today for at least more than 1400 years. Being thoroughly described, precise in its main points, obvious with regard to its effects of gaining sound flowers and high fruit--yield, and certain to increase production, this technique was attached to with importance and chosen for use by farmers from generation to generation. It was also quoted, cited and summed up by ancient agricultural treatises. Up to the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were at least 23 ancient agricultural treatises citing this technique. Based on abundant historical books and records, this paper first accurately expounds and proves the origination and transferring of this technique, finds out the route of its development, and then sketches a tree-diagram of its transferring in history. Secondly, it expounds the development of jiazao and the technique for it alike. The paper explains its original meaning as well, analyzes the method of jiazao and its course of development, and then concludes that from this method as many as & methods of grafting trees came into being. On the basis of summing up the origination and achievements of the ancient Chinese jiazao technique, the paper compares it with the famous plant-circumcision invented by Western scholars, and ends with the following conclusion: (1)The jiazao, invented by the ancient Chinese in the 6th century, is of the same biological principle as the plant-circumcision invented in 1679 by the Italian scholar M. Malphighi. It shows the surprising wisdom of ancient Chinese people. (2)The ancient technique of jiazao came into maturity in over 1400 years of development and transferring. It was not given up or overshadowed with the lapse of time. On the contrary, jujube--grafting is still in use in fruit-growing areas all over China. This ancient technique has great vitality, because it is scientific, easy to follow, useful, and is certain to increase production.
《类经》中的藏象与以身体为中心的现代中医学的趋向(英文) |
许小丽 |
165-187 |
Zangxiang in the Canon of Categories and Tendencies towards a Body-Centred Traditional Chinese Medicine……XU Xiaoli
【Abstract】 Teaching on zangxiang is central to introductory course work for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the People's Republic of China. It concerns the physiology and pathology of the five organs (wuzang), and thus gives TCM a body-centred stance which echoes the focus on the body of biomedical approaches. While those interested in the synchronicity of social and conceptual changes tend to emphasize the impact of Western medicine on Chinese medicine, this article shows that the foundations of the current body-centred stance of TCM are to be found in the late Ming. The evidence lies in the sequencing of topics in the Canon of Categories (Leijing, 1624), by Zhang Jiebin in which he restructured the Yellow Emperor's inner Canon (Huangdi Neijing). The current centrality of zangxiang stems from Zhang's use of such a category as one of the main concepts for ordering medical knowledge.
明代起绒织物的生产及外传日本的情况 |
赵翰生 |
188-196 |
【Abstract】 The brushed fabric produced in ancient China belongs to the expensive fabric, which is a little cheaper than brocade and satin. This article expounds the production and use of brushed fabric as well as the fabric and its technics spreading to Japan in Ming dynasty; it also discusses the Japanese" '" which really originates from the Chinese "Woduan" named in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou, Fujian, China.