- Studies in the History of Natural Science
- The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
- Science and Culture Review

- Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.2 2001
Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.2 2001
中国近现代科学技术史研究笔谈百年中国科技回眸 |
董光璧 |
97-98 |
中国近现代科学技术史研究的方法论问题 |
姜振寰 |
99-100 |
中国近现代科学技术史研究的意义与方法问题 |
杨舰 |
101-102 |
中国近现代科学技术史研究的若干内容与视角 |
张柏春 |
103-105 |
论和算发生的社会文化基础 |
乌云其其格 |
106-119 |
On the Social-cultural Agents of Wasan……Wuyunqiqige
【Abstract】 From a perspective of the history of science civilization interaction,this paper aims at giving an explanation to the rise of Wasan.The author points out that traditional Japanese culture had been developed in two basic paradigms,i e.,the Royalty Temple and the Buke(武家) Civilian paradigms,since the bakusei (幕政)began.Each change in social power caused integration of the above two cultures,and the cultural integration has made the development of culture take on a new fashion. In order to explain why Wasan began to develop as a geido (艺道),this paper further explores the concrete process of initiating the institutionalization of Wasan.The knight class gradually paid more and more attention to the art of calculation,especially since the War Ages.Japanese chado (茶道), kido (棋道), kado (花道)and Wasan were institutionalized in the cultural integration from Azuchi momoyama(安土桃山) to the beginning of the Edo period.The cultural integration led to the formation of the Geido paradigm.The so called Geido paradigm was the very Iemoto allowing system which stemmed from ancient Japanese hereditary apprenticeship system and Buddhist clery system.However,the Buke cultural atmosphere not only fostered the interest of all walks of life in Japanese society in these Geido,but also provided the establishment of the Iemoto allowing system with the most fundamental political guarantees and social conditions.
中算数学机械化思想在和算中的发展——解伏题的机械化特征 |
徐泽林 |
120-131 |
The Development of Mathematics Mechanization Thought of Chinese Mathematics in Japanese Mathematics:the Characteristics of Mechanization of kaifukudai……XU Zelin
【Abstract】 The problem of kaifukudai in Wasan is a method for solving system of equations with high degrees.The method is always regarded seriously in the academia because the determinant algorithm is produced by it for the first time in the history of mathematics.This paper reexamines the theory of elimination in the method of kaifukudai in Wasan and puts forward some new understandings about the method from the visual angle of mathematics mechanization.It is considered that the method of kaifukudai in Wasan is the development of the mechanical mathematics tradition in ancient China.Seki Takakazu invented a general program for solving system of equations with high degrees.For this reason,calculating geometry was highly developed later in Wasan.The paper holds that the mechanical thought in the method for kaifukudai is much more important than the determinant theory.
从关孝和的累裁招差法看《授时历》平立定三差法之原 |
冯立升 |
132-142 |
On the Structural Principle of the 3-power Interpolation in Shoushi Calender in View of Seki's leicai zhaocha fa……FENG Lisheng
【Abstract】 The internal relation between the zhaocha fa (interpolation),of shosa ho in Japanese,in Wasan and in Chinese mathematics is studied and they are compared to each other.This paper shows the Chinese source of the concepts and ideas of zhaocha fa in Wasan.It analyses the principle that Japanese mathematicians applied to derive their leicai zhaocha fa and apply it to show how the 3 power interpolation that first appeared in Shoushi Calendar was constructed.A new restoration scheme,therefore,is proposed.
关于关孝和对《授时历》交食算法的几点研究 |
王荣彬 |
143-150 |
A Study on the Problems of Seki Takakazu's Studies about the Eclipse Calculation in Shoushi Calendar……WANG Rongbin
【Abstract】 Seki Takakazu(?—1708) is a celebrated Japanese mathematician and astronomer.In his book Mixed Studies on Astronomy and Mathematics ,he used about half of its length to discuss the eclipse calculation in Shoushi Calendar ,and got many quite good original ideas.Some of the problems raised by him are analysed in this paper such as:the amendment of the dingjiaori calculation and jiaodingdu calculation,the source of the eclipse limit and its dingfa ,and the principle of the dingyongfen calculation for eclipse.The paper also discusses the problem of the lunar polar latitude calculation in Shoushi Calendar.
宋代的“鸟兽草木之学” |
罗桂环 |
151-162 |
Biology in the Song Dynasty……LUO Guihuan
【Abstract】 In China's history,the Song Dynasty witnessed a very prosperous period of science and culture.Biology of the Song Dynasty got notable advance as well.With the accumulation of more and more information about plants and animals (or biology),the formation of the subject about plants and animals was tremendously promoted.Various biological writings rapidly increased,of which some described the local flora and fauna,such as Yi Zhou Fang Wu Lue Ji (A Short Record of Products in Yi Zhou) and Nan Fang Cao Mu Zhuang (The Herbs and Trees in the South of China),while others were monographs on plants and animals,such as Tong Pu (On Paulowmias) and Xie Pu (Records on Crabs).In addition,new kinds of very important biological works appeared which gathered a lot of biological lore that scholars must acquire then,such as Pi Ya .Meanwhile,scholars put out such biological classics as Qin Jing (The Classic on Birds)and Kun Chong Cao Mu Lue (Historia on Animals and Plants),of which the author of the latter work not only expounded the importance of the subject about plants and animals,but also set it as one of the twenty branches of learning in ancient China.There were also scholars who emphasized the importance to study plants and animals for understanding nature.Hence,more and more biological books came to be written,which produced a great impact on the development of biology in later ages.
春秋时期鲁国历法考 |
关立行,关立言 |
163-169 |
Textual Research on the Calendar of State Lu of the Spring and Autumn Period……GUAN Lixing;GUAN Liyan
【Abstract】 The Chun Qiu (Spring and Autumn Annals)provides longitudinal material for comparison and collation in the study of the astronomy and calendar of State Lu.The Spring and Autumn Period is an important stage of the transition from observational calendar to scientific calendar.People of State Lu were certainly meritorious in determining the beginning of a year and in probing the laws of installing intercalation,though they failed to make major breakthroughs and their calendar did not conform to the standard.In the meantime,they achieved great successes in their astronomical observation.All these accelerated the perfecting of traditional Chinese calendar in the Han Dynasty.
略论宋代天文学人才的培养与任用 |
胡静宜 |
170-175 |
A Brief Discussion on the Training and Appointment of Astronomical Talents in the Song Dynasty……HU Jingyi
【Abstract】 This article mainly deals with the training and appointment of astronomy talents in the Song DynastyIt points out that Song Dynasty paid great attention to the turning out of persons of high ability and high level,was not strict about the requirements of examination,and selected talents through a variety of channels In the mean time,stress was also laid on the choice and recommendation of students and persons of low position to take part in concrete workThese talents made great contribution to the development of astronomy in the Song Dynasty
赵州桥净跨径考析 |
林树涵 |
176-179 |
Investigation and Analysis on the Clear Span of Zhaozhou Bridge……LIN Shuhan
【Abstract】 The well known Zhaozhou Bridge is one of the most brilliant examples of civil engineering in the history of the world.It is quite strange that no final conclusion has yet been reached on the clear span of this ancient bridge as the most basic datum.Public opinions are divergent.Through studying and analysing the investigation report and the on the spot chart attached to it by the eminent building expert Prof.Liang Sicheng in 1934 on the bridge,this article points out for the first time that all available figures about the clear span of the bridge are not accurate,which should be 39±1 meters.The article proposes to clear away the earth and stones covering the two springs of arch of the bridge and then survey and determine with accuracy its clear span .
“西学东渐”时代的东学西传——评《中国科学技术的西传及其影响》 |
龚缨晏,赵晖 |
180-184 |
评介《〈创世纪〉与地质学》 |
D.奥洛伊德,杨静一 |
185-188 |