- Studies in the History of Natural Science
- The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
- Science and Culture Review

- Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.1 2005
Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.1 2005
东京国立博物馆针灸铜人研究的突破与反思 |
黄龙祥 |
1-12 |
Breakthrough in and Reflection on the Study of the Bronze Acupuncture Statue in Tokyo’s National Museum of Japan……HUANG Longxiang
【Abstract】 As regards the Japanese bronze acupuncture statue now preserved in Tokyo's National Museum,the majority of scholars of China and Japan had been of the opinion before the 1990s that it had been transmitted from ancient China either as a Song Dynasty's Tiansheng bronze statue or as a Ming Dynasty's Zhengtong bronze statue in the Song style.In 1989,based on a newly-found historical record about a bronze acupuncture statue cast by Japanese acupuncture officials in the national medical school,some Japanese scholars advanced a new view on its age of production and its producer.But this single evidence is unable to explain other related questions.In recent years,the author of this papaer has conducted systematic investigations in many aspects,such as the characteristics of its appearance,the number of acupoints, the writing of acupoint names,meridian entry and location. A lot of more direct and reliable evidences have proved that it was cast during 1809 to 1819 by the Japanese medical officials under the imperial government's order.
中国古代萨满昏迷中的药物问题 |
王纪潮 |
13-28 |
Concerning the Hallucinogens for Shamanic Ecstasy in Ancient China……WANG Jichao
【Abstract】 As a religious phenomenon,Shamanism had always existed in the society of China’s pre-Qin period and Han Dynasty.Its main features relied on the technique of causing ecstasy to communicate with the world of ghosts and gods,to call back the spirit of the dead,and to heal.In Shamanic ecstacy,hallucinogens served not only as Shamanic tools and signs for the combination of witchcraft and medicine,but also as symbols of ritual and objects for religious worship.In the archaic Chinese society ,the worship of medical plants might have existed.After the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods,because Confucian thinking had become the main trend of official consciousness,the divinity produced by the trance of Shamanic ecstasy came to be inhibited by the ideology of “Heaven-destiny” of the government,which brought about the separation of witchcraft and medicine,and possibly affected the change of direction for Shamanic technique of medical treatment,but also extended the scope of use of hallucinogens,thus promoting the technical development in medical treatment.During Han Dynasty,the independent development of the technique of medical treatment was probably the reason for the gradual falling into oblivion of Shamanic hallucinogens.On the basis of relevant historical documents,this paper attempts to inquire into ancient China’s drugs for Shamanic ecstasy.
中国古代的日食食分算法 |
唐泉 |
29-44 |
The Arithmetic of Solar-Eclipse-Magnitude in Ancient China……TANG Quan
【Abstract】 The solar-eclipse-magnitude-arithmetic in ancient China was designed firstly by Zhang Longxiang in his Zheng Guang Calendar during 523~565.From then on,it became an important part in eclipse theory of calendar in the Sui,Tang,Song,Jin and Yuan Dynasties.In fact,the arithmetic of solar eclipse magnitude was more difficult than that of lunar eclipse magnitude because of the parallax-effect on solar theory.By researching the arithmetic of calendars in ancient China,this article explains its structure,method and character and expurgates its evolution.Moreover,the solar-eclipse-magnitude-arithmetic in anicent China is divided into four stages by three turning points,Liu Zhuo's Da Ye Calendar,Xu Ang's Xuan Ming Calendar and Yao Shunfu's Ji Yuan Calendar,according to its character.The application of parallax theory in solar eclipse arithmetic before the Xuan Ming Calendar is also discussed in the article.
常微分方程定性理论与稳定性理论的哲学思考 |
陈明晖,邓明立 |
45-52 |
Philosophical Reflections on Qualitative Theory and Stability Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations……CHEN Minghui,DENG Mingli
【Abstract】 Ordinary differential equations stagnated gradually after searching hard for the exact solutions of differential equations for a long time. Poincaré used the integrated idea to initiate qualitative theory of differential equations. He also introduced geometric method on the base of analysis and ensured the quality of solutions though the integrated and holistic viewpoint. On the basis of Poincaré's qualitative analysis, Liapunov entered into the new research of stability theory to make the study of solutions more specific and practical. By comparing the qualitative theory and stability theory on differential equations, one can understand the contents and methods of their contents and methods deeply and comprehensively, and can also perceive the laws of the emergence and development of new ideas and theories in the scientific course .
欧拉数、戴煦数与齿排列的关系研究 |
王海林,罗见今 |
53-59 |
Research on the Relations Between Euler Numbers, Dai Xu Numbers and Gear Mutation……WANG Hailin;LUO Jianjin
【Abstract】 This paper reveals that Euler numbers and Dai Xu numbers are more relevant and inseparable function to each other when they are compared with Bernoulli numbers and Euler numbers.In gear permutation,it gives a combination meaning to Euler numbers and Dai Xu numbers.Andre numbers are a compound of Euler numbers and Dai Xu numbers,whose nature is simple and perfect and not possessed by Bernoulli numbers.
试论维新派对发展科学技术的认识 |
董贵成 |
60-71 |
Tentative Discussion on the Understanding of Reformists About the Development of Science and Technology……DONG Guicheng
【Abstract】 During the period of Reform Movement of 1898,the Reformists were keenly aware that the world had already entered an age of rapid development for science and technology.They criticized the guiding thinking of the Westernization Movement which paid great attention to technology to the neglect of basic science as to put the incidental before the fundamental and to reverse the order of priority.In their opinion,great stress should be laid on the overall development of science and technology,while the enhancement of the quality of science & technology and culture of the broad masses of people could only be achieved through the popularization of education.The new trend of thought initiated by the Reformists might be regarded as a leap in the history of ideas on modern science and technology in China.
化学原子论和分子学说在清末民初的传播 |
袁振东 |
72-83 |
The Introduction of Chemical Atomism and Molecular Theory into Late 19th and Early 20th Century China……YUAN Zhendong
【Abstract】 Through examining and analyzing the introduction of atomic-molecular theory into China,this paper deals with the fact that between 1868 and 1898,only chemical atomism was introduced in Chinese chemistry books,and that molecular theory was not introduced until the end of 19th century.Why?The reason the paper gives is that in the 19th century,all Chinese chemical books were translated and published with the help of missionaries who only knew little about science and the original editions from which the Chinese chemical books were translated were all outdated in the West.After entering the 20th century,many Chinese chemistry pioneers went abroad to learn new knowledge for carrying out their dreams of “Saving the Country Through Science”.They changed the passive state of introducing chemical knowledge into China in the 19th century and introduced the atomic-molecular theory widely into China.What they had done accelerated the development of China's modern chemistry.As for the translated terms of “atom” and “molecule”,the so-called “Wei Dian(微点)”,“Zhi Dian(质点)”,“Yuan Dian(元点)”,“He Dian(合点)”and the like which were easy to be confused,they had been disused gradually and the uniform translated terms,“Yuan Zi(原子)”and “Fen Zi(分子)”,they had been used widely under the influence of their counterparts in Japan.In addition,the contents of the atomic-molecular theory had evolved along with the introduction of the new atomic structure theory.As a result,the above-mentioned process of introducing atomic-molecular theory partly reflects the development of modern chemistry in China.
《周髀算经》光程极限数值来由新探 |
陈斌惠 |
84-90 |
A New Inquiry on the Value of Ultimate Light Distance in Zhou Bi Suan Jing……CHEN Binhui
【Abstract】 According to Zhou Bi Suan Jing (Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths),the sun could illuminate an area only 167 000 li in diameter.This conception and numerical value occupied a very important position in the cosmic system of Zhou Bi Suan Jing. The cause of the above value is one of the most important issues in the study of Zhou Bi Suan Jing over the years.Tang Ruchuan and Chen Wenxi probed this issue in the perspective of rationality and held the view that at sunrise or sunset the distance between the sun and Zhoucheng is the ultimate light distance.But as problems existed in inference,they did not obtain a satisfactory result. If the time error between the equinox in Zhou Bi Suan Jing and in reality and the alteration of the time of equinox caused by the change of perihelion(1.7 degree/c) are taken into consideration,we may obtain a comparatively accurate result.So the cause for the data of ultimate light distance can be explained reasonably.
“太平篮”、“太平筐”考略 |
李崇州 |
91-96 |
A Brief Study on “Basket of Peace” and “Frame of Peace”……LI Chongzhou
【Abstract】 During the later period of Qing Dynasty,when large junks for transport of grain to the capital navigating along the coast of Liaoning,Hebei and Shandong and fishing boats of coastal Fujian encountered a storm at sea,two different tools were put to use by them respectively for rushing to deal with an emergency.What the former used was called “basket of peace”,which could prevent the body of a ship from becoming too inclined,and what the latter used was called “frame of peace”,which was able to make the body of a ship to remain stable.