- Studies in the History of Natural Science
- The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
- Science and Culture Review

- Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.3 2005
Studies in the History of Natural Sciences NO.3 2005
《苏利亚历》中的视差算法 |
唐泉,曲安京 |
197-213 |
Parallax Theory in The Surya Siddhanta……TANG Quan,QU Anjing
【Abstract】 Astronomers in ancient India found parallax phenomena and designed a relevant algorithm to eliminate their effect on solar eclipse.The Surya Siddhanta is a classical work in the history of ancient Indian astronomy.Parallax algorithm in The Surya Siddhanta is the most representative algorithm among the ancient Indian works on mathematical astronomy.So it is very important to expurgate the parallax algorithm in The Surya Siddhanta.Based on previous studies,this paper expurgates the construction of parallax algorithm in The Surya Siddhanta,verifies that the parallax algorithm in The Surya Siddhanta is the same as the theoretic algorithm,and simplifies successively the parallax algorithm in The Surya Siddhanta to a function which includes two independent variables.Although the model of the parallax algorithm in The Surya Siddhanta is equivalent to the theoretic algorithm,there is an error between the results in The Surya Siddhanta and the theoretic results.The paper also discusses the error and analyzes the reason for it.
日本新发现北宋开宝五年刻《炽盛光佛顶大威德销灾吉祥陀罗尼经》星图考——兼论黄道十二宫在宋、辽、西夏地区的传播 |
韦兵 |
214-221 |
A Study on the Star-map of Prajvalonisa Vjrabhairava Padvinasasri-dharani Printed in A.D.972 Recently Found in Japan with a Discussion on the Spread of Zodiac in the Song-Liao Tangut Area……WEI Bing
【Abstract】 In the Tang and Song dynasties,the belief of Tejaprobaha Buddha related with the Esoteric Buddhism had been very prevalent.People printed many pictures and incantations of Tejaprobaha Buddha to exclude the negative influence from the start.The star-map of the Prajvalonisa Vjrabhairava Padvinasa-sri-dharani printed in A.D.972 and found in the Sangzhifang temple of Japan,in which twenty-eight hsiu and zodiac are completely painted and matched,is earlier than the famous star-map of Liao dynasty tomb of A.D.1116 at Xuanhua for nearly 150 years.Compared with the star-maps found in Dunhuang and Heishui,it is an important evidence of zodiac being under the influence of China and interaction between Chinese star-map and Western star-map.It inherited the star-map of Tang dynasty manuscripts and connected with the star-map of Liao dynasty tomb of Xuanhua.
《算数书》中的记数方法 |
王青建,张新立 |
222-228 |
Numeration in Suanshushu……WANG Qingjian, ZHANG Xinli
【Abstract】 In the primitive form of bamboo slips,Suanshushu verifies the key links in the development of ancient Chinese mathematics,such as numeration.This paper discusses the numeration of the positive integer,negative number and fraction in Suanshushu,and points out its characteristics and its roles in the history of mathematics.
《算数书》“少广”“大广”二问的释读与校勘 |
纪志刚 |
229-235 |
Annotations and Collations on Problems "Shaoguang" and "Daguang" of Suanshushu……JI Zhigang
【Abstract】 Through critical reading and following the collation principles on ancient mathematics text,this paper gives some new collations to Suanshushu(Writings on Reckoning:a book of arithmetic written on bamboo strips in about 186 BC).Based on those collations,the paper gives some deep explanations to the Shaoguang problem of Suanshushu.Especially it points out that the Shaoguang algorithm was based on the method of the lowest common multiple(LCM).And the most important result in this paper is that the restoration to the problem Daguag Method(The General Rule for Rectangular Fields) in Suanshushu.Taking the fact for this problem that the remaining words and figures were "correct",and then with the help of computer,the paper gets about 11 possible answers.Further considering the character gaps and expressing style,it points out that only 2 possible answers among them might be the plausible restorations.
1932年教育部化学讨论会:中国现代化学共同体形成的标志 |
袁振东 |
236-248 |
Chemistry Forum Sponsored by Ministry of Education in 1932:A Mark of the Establishment of Modern Chinese Chemical Community……YUAN Zhendong
【Abstract】 Through examining and analyzing the Chemistry Forum,China Chemistry Circles'first congregation inside the country,sponsored by China's Ministry of Education in the summer of 1932,this paper draws a conclusion that although the government gave three reasons for sponsoring the Chemistry Forum through which China's leading chemists could gather in Nanking to discuss the problems on national defense chemistry,chemical curriculum standard and chemical translated terms.The main cause of the Chemistry Forum was the state's need of national defense chemistry.Meanwhile the Chemistry Forum would give attention to other two things.In fact,the essential drive came from China Chemistry Circles within which there were needs to commune.The list includes forty-five individuals,all male,ranging in age from twenty-seven to forty-four,with an average age of thirty-three.Three-fifths were natives of Kiangsu,Chekiang,or Kwangtung.All had studied abroad.These chemists belonged to the new generation of scientists in China.They were distinguished from their predecessors in the way that they were more committed to research and teaching as their professional responsibility,and less interested in the broad political and cultural concerns that had preoccupied intellectuals of the May Fourth era.There generated many feasible proposals about national defense chemistry,chemical curriculum standard and chemical translated terms during the conference,especially the chemical curriculum standard about university which hadn't been included in curriculum standard issued by China's Ministry of Education before 1932.The other important thing is that the chemists established the Chinese Chemical Society spontaneously during the conference.This meant that the scientific community of China's Chemistry Circles had been formed then.And the community had played an important role in the process of final proposals' formation and their being put in practice.In one word,the Chemistry Forum is a historic conference,which is a mark of the establishment of the Chinese Chemical Society.
弓体的力学性能及“郑玄弹性定律”再探 |
仪德刚,赵新力,齐中英 |
249-258 |
A Further Inquiry into Mechanical Performance of Chinese Bow and Zheng Xuans Law of Elasticity……YI Degang, ZHAO Xinli, QI Zhongying
【Abstract】 Based on the authors research & practice of shooting and historical sources,this paper gives a systematic description of the related mechanical knowledge in making and using the traditional Chinese bow.The paper re-analyzes the mechanical performance of a bow based on previous works,and discusses how an ancient Chinese understood the mechanical performance of bow.It concludes that the former parlance about Zheng Xuan(127200),a famous Eastern Han Confucian scholar,who had found the law of elasticity far earlier than the English physicist Robert Hooke((16351703))did,is mistaken.
布鲁诺再认识——耶兹的有关研究及其启示 |
刘晓雪,刘兵 |
259-268 |
The Change of the Image of Giordano Bruno——Yates Study and Revelation……LIU Xiaoxue,LIU Bing
【Abstract】 Since the fifties of the twentieth century,Frances Yates,a notable historian in the West,made the study of Bruno which has been regarded as a classical work typical of anti-Whig interpretation of history.However,there has not been any systemic comprehensive introduction of the Yates' study in domestic correlative research.Accordingly,this paper tries to analyse and review the recognition of Bruno in the sense of the historiography of science on the base of discussion and analysis of the main idea of her study,expecting to help to widen the thinking of the historical study of science in China.
哲学对科学和科学哲学——温伯格《仰望苍穹——科学反击文化对手》读后感 |
关洪 |
269-279 |
拉瓦锡的“私密科学” |
何涓 |
280-283 |
爱因斯坦的日本之行——读金子务的《爱因斯坦冲击》 |
梁波 |
284-289 |