- Studies in the History of Natural Science
- The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology
- Science and Culture Review

- Studies in the History of Natural Sciences suppl. 2006
Studies in the History of Natural Sciences suppl. 2006
A Successful Cooperation of Scientific Expedition Between China and Sweden During the Last Century: The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China (1927—1933)
LUO Guihuan, XU Fengxian
(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing 100010, China)
Abstract The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China was a very effective group. Both Chinese and Swedish scholars showed quite high wisdom since the beginning of their cooperation, and they came to agreement for the same aim of exploring northwest China. The Swedish side attained their former goal of obtaining information about meteorology, geography and geomagnetism for opening a new air route, while the Chinese side reached their goal of maintaining sovereignty, exploring the border area and training young scholars. The two sides had written a significant page both in the history of science in China and in the history of the interchange science between China and foreign countries.
Key words The Federation of Scientific Institutions in China, Northwest China, Sven Hedin
Survey of Mineral Resources on Borderland During the Upsurge of Exploiting Nautral Resources of Northwest China: A Case Study on The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China
ZHANG Jiuchen
(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing100010, China)
Abstract The 6-year survey of Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition met the upsurge period of exploiting the natural resources of northwest China. The survey of Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition promoted this upsurge. Chinese geologists paid much attention to the mineral resources in this region and gained great achievements. In analyzing the reports of Chinese geologists, this paper summarizes their contribution and social influences with an analysis on the reasons that Chinese geologists paid much attention to minerals on the frontiers.
Key words mineral resources, The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China, borderland
K. S. Hao's Plant Collection in The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China and Further Research
XU Fengxian
(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing100010, China)
Abstract K. S Hao's botanical investigation and collection in The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China is one of the few such investigations by Chinese scholars before 1949,while many Westerners had been to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau for investigation before that. Based on his own investigation, and making full use of research the results of Western scholars, Hao's Ph. D. thesis, Pflanzengeographische Studien über den Kokonor-See und über das angrenzende Gebiet, written in Germany several years after this expedition, is a plant geographical study on north-eastern Qinghai Province, and had some effects in a period after 1949.
Key words K. S. Hao, Qinghai Province, Kokonor, plant geography
Environmental Change in Edsin-gol Valley in the Recent 80 Years
LUO Guihuan
(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing100010, China)
Abstract The Edsin-gol valley was an important strategic area in history. Located in the end of Edsin-gol River, the Juyanhai oasis had been good farm and pasture for the army and residents in border land. The Scientific Expedition to Northwest China had recorded its condition of environment in the beginning of 1930's. Because of the increase of the use of water in upper reaches, the ecological environment here deteriorated gradually afterward. Examination of the violent change since then according to those records of 80 years before would be of significance for people that they will make better use of water resource and arrange rationally both agriculture and stock raising, as well as avoid environmental deterioration.
Key words Edsin-gol valley, The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China, Gashun-nor, Sogu-nor, environmental change
Justice, Right and Benefit: Negotiation Between Chinese Scholars and Sven Hedin in 1927
LI Xuetong
(Institute of Modern History, CASS, Beijing 100006,China)
Abstract The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China(1927—1935) is the important science expedition on modern history of China, also occupying the important position on Chinese and Foreign science exchanges history.
Chinese and Sven Hedin the negotiation on the “19” agreement, not only includes science but also includes justice, right and benefit. This Paper review the dramatic process of the negotiation, antinomy and benefits that Chinese and Foreign in modern age and both parties' a cooperate spirit.
The writer think that the negotiation reflected an side of the Chinese science in those days development process.
Key words Chinese and Foreign science cooperation, The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China, the “19” agreement Sven Hedin
Yuan Fuli in The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China
LI Xinwei
(Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Sicial Sciences, Beijing 100710, China)
Abstract Yuan Fuli was obviously the most important Chinese scholar in the expedition to the northwestern provinces of China from 1927 to 1933. Previous researches focus on his palaeontological discoveries in Xinjiang. This paper, however, aims to discuss his archaeological background before the expedition, his constructive effort during the organization of the expedition and his outstanding job as the acting director of the expedition from 1929 to 1932.
Key words Yuan Fuli, The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China
Prof. Yuan Fuli's Outstanding Contribution to Vertebrate Palaeontology
XU Qinqi
(Institute of Vertebrate Plaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing100044, China)
Abstract In The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China in 1927—1933, Prof. Yuan Fuli found 4 localities, 5 horizons and 10 new fossil species. Prof. C. C. Young, who was the founder of vertebrate palaeontology in China, described most of them. Prof. Yuan made an outstanding contribution to vertebrate palaeontology.
Key words Prof. Yuan Fuli, The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China, vertebrate Palaeontology
Members of The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China (1927—1933)
LUO Guihuan
(Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS, Beijing100010, China)
Abstract There were more than forty members who jointed. The Sino-Swedish Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China at different times (1927—1933). They had done an excellent work during the expedition, and left behind a lot of scientific information for us. This paper gives a simple introduction so that people would understand the important expedition.
Key words members, expedition, northwest China