- Jinyan Liu
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Name: Jinyan Liu Research: >History of modern physics Academic Appointments: Professor Email: jyliu@ihns.ac.cn
Academic career Professor, June 2024, present Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Associate Professor, April 2017- June 2024 Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Assistant Professor, March 2013- April 2017 Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Education: Institute of theoretical physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, >Ph.D., Theoretical physics, 2013 Liao Ning Normal University, Master, Theoretical physics, 2010 Liao Ning Normal University, BS, physics, 2007
Monograph Jinyan Liu. Constructing the Theory of Hadron Structure—Chinese Physicists’ Straton model. Shandong Science and Technology Press, April 2022. (in Chinese)
Selected papers: 01. LIU Jinyan, ICHIKAWA Hiroshi, ZHANG Baichun. Opening the Door to Scientific Exchange between China and Japan: The Visit of the Science Council of Japan’s Delegation to China in the Shadow of the Soviet Science in 1955. Historia Scientiarum, 34 (2024)1:16-32. 02. Danian Hu, Jinyan Liu and Xiaodong Yin. China’s Tortuous Path to the IUPAP: An Enlightening Case of Chinese Science Diplomacy during the Cold War. In: Globalizing Physics. Edited by: Roberto Lalli and Jaume Navarro, Oxford University Press, 2024: 209-239. 03. Jinyan Liu, Tian Miao. Tsung-Dao Lee: The Promoter of China’s Basic Research and a Scientific Bridge Builder between China and the World since the 1970s. Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 7 (2023)2: 081-121. 04. 刘金岩,张柏春,吴岳良.李政道:中国基础科学研究和国际交流的积极推动者. 《现代物理知识》,2023,35(05):59-70. 05. 刘金岩.振荡中的中微子——中微子混合矩阵的提出与验证.《现代物理知识》, 2023, 35(02):58-67. Jinyan Liu. The oscillation of neutrino—Proposition and Verification of Neutrino mixing Matrix. Modern Physics, 2023, 35(02):58-67. 06. 刘金岩. 层子模型. 白春礼主编.中华人民共和国科学技术史纲(下卷).北京:科学出版社,2023:506-518. 07. LIU Jinyan, WANG Fang, Alexey ZHEMCHUGOV. Chinese Scientists in Dubna (1956–1965). Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 5 (2021)2: 031-088. 08. 刘金岩,张柏春,吴岳良. 杨振宁:中美科技交流合作的推手.《自然科学史研究》40(2021)3:374-386. Jinyan Liu, Baichun Zhang, Yueliang Wu. Yang Chen Ning: Promoter of China-US Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation. Ziran kexue shi yanjiu [Studies in the History of Natural Sciences]40(2021)3:374-386. 09. 吴岳良,刘金岩. 宇称破坏与对称原理.《现代物理知识》33 (2021) 05/06(庆贺李政道先生九十五华诞专刊):15-20. Yueliang Wu, Jinyan Liu. Parity Violation and Symmetry Principle. Modern Physics 33 (2021) 05/06:15-20 10. Jinyan Liu, Fang Wang, Baichun Zhang. Chinese Theoretical Physicists in Dubna--A Case Study of Zhou Guangzhao.Historia Scientiarum 31 (2021) 1:3-19. 11. 吴岳良,刘金岩. 缅怀戴元本先生.《物理》49(2020)12:858-862. 12. 吴岳良,刘金岩.周光召的学术贡献——贺周光召先生90华诞.《科学》71(2019)06:1-5. Wu Yueliang, Liu Jinyan. “Zhou Guangzhao’s Academic Achievements”. Kexue [Science], Vol. 70, No.6 (2019): 1-5. 13. 吴岳良,刘金岩.周光召对理论物理和原子能事业的贡献.《物理》48(2019)05: 295-300. Wu Yueliang, Liu Jinyan. “Zhou Guangzhao’s Contribution to Chinese Theoretical Physics and Atomic Energy Career’ s Development”. Wuli [Physics], Vol. 49, No.5 (2019): 295-300. 14. Liu Jinyan. Chinese Physicists’ Construction of the Straton Model in Social Context, Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology. 2 (2018)1:085-122. 15. 刘金岩.彭桓武留欧期间的科学贡献.《自然科学史研究》37 (2018)01: 87-103. Liu Jinyan. “Studying and Working in Europe: H.W. Peng’s Scientific Achievements.” Ziran kexue shi yanjiu [Studies in the History of Natural Sciences], Vol. 37, No.1 (2018): 87-103. 16. 刘金岩,张柏春,吴岳良. 坂田昌一与中国科学家及毛泽东的交往.《自然科学史研究》34 (2015)01: 39-60. Liu Jinyan, Zhang Baichun, Wu Yueliang. The relationship between Shoichi Sakata and Chinse physicist as well as Mao Zedong. Studies in the history of Natural Sciences. 34(2015)01: 39-60. 17. 刘金岩.2013年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者——彼得·希格斯.《物理》43 (2014)07: 471-477. 18. 刘金岩.探索物质微观结构的历史回顾——纪念夸克提出50周年.《物理》43 (2014)11: 751-755. 19. 刘金岩,吴岳良,张柏春.坂田昌一及其对理论物理学的贡献.《自然辩证法研究》28(2012) 05:117-121. Liu Jinyan, Wu Yueliang, Zhang Baichun. “Shoichi Sakata and his Contributions to Theoretical Physics.” Ziran Bianzhengfa Yanjiu [Studies in dialectic of Nature],Vol.28, No.5 (2012): 117-121. 20. Jin-Yan Liu, Yong Tang, Yue-Liang Wu.Searching for Z′Gauge Boson in an Anomaly-Free U(1)′Gauge Family Model. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.39 (2012) 0555003:1-13. 21. Jin-Yan Liu, Li-Ming Wang, Yue-Liang Wu, Yu-Feng Zhou. Two Higgs Bi-doublet Model with Spontaneous P and CP Violation and decoupling limit to two higgs doublet model. Physical Review D86(2012) 015007:1-12. 22. Chong-Xing Yue, Ting-Ting Zhang, Jin-Yan Liu. The Scalars from the Topcolor Scenario and the Spin Correlations of the Top Pair Production at the LHC. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.37(2010) 075016:1-16. 23. Jin-Yan Liu, Zong-Guo Si, Chong-Xing Yue. The littlest Higgs model with T-parity and top quark pair production at LHC. Physical Review D81(2010) 015011:1-10. 24. Chong-Xing Yue, Jin-Yan Liu, Li Ding. Photon-induced production of the mirror quarks from the LHT model at the LHC. Commun.Theor.Phys.52 (2009):1041-1048. 25. Wen Jia, Yue Chongxing, Liu Jinyan, Liu Wei. Littlest Higgs model with T-parity and single top production in ep collisions. Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP) 33(2009)2: 89-93. 26. Chong-Xing Yue, Jin-Yan Liu, Shi-Hai Zhu. Leptonic Z decays in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity. Physical Review D78 (2008) 095006:1-8. 27. Chong-Xing Yue, Li Ding, Jin-Yan Liu. Production of mirror fermions via e gamma and ep collisions in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity. Physical Review D 77(2008) 115003:1-10.
Presentations 1. “Straton model and its influence”. November 21, 2023, Shenzhen China, Southern University of Science and Technology: Symposium of the History of Physics in China (20th Century). 2. “Chinese Scientists in Dubna (1956-1965)”. September 1st,2023, Copenhagen, Danmark: The Fifth Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences. 3. “Neutrino Physics and Neutrino Physics Study in Asian countries”. August 24, 2023. Frankfurt Germany: 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia 4. “Chien-Shiung Wu and her contribution to experimental physics”. March 17 2022:American Physical Society March Meeting——invited lecture (virtual). 5. “The Genesis of Mao-Particle (Straton): the Chinese search for Hadron’s structure in the 1960s”, 1st Conference of the International Academy of History of Science (Athens, Greece, September 12, 2019). 6. “The Relationship between Shoichi Sakata and Chinese Scientists as well as Mao Zedong”, 15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (Jeonju, Korea, August 19, 2019). 7. “A Scientist Full of Social Responsibility: Chou Kuang-Chao’s Scientific Work in JINR and his Contributions to Chinese Physics Development”, Annual Conference of the Institute of History of Science and Technology, RAS (Moscow, Russia, March 28, 2019). 8. “Chinese Physicists’ Construction of Straton (or Mao-particle) in the 1960s——the Chinese search for the structure of Hadrons under the guidance of Maoist philosophy”, American Physical Society March Meeting (Boston, America, March 5, 2019)——invited lecture 9. “S. Sakata’s influence in China during the 1950s and 1960s”, Nagoya University (Nagoya, Japan, December 20, 2018). 10. “The History of Chinese Physicists’ Construction of the Straton Model”, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, Germany, August 10, 2018). 11. “Peng Huanwu’s Association with M. Born, E. Schrodinger and H. Heitler”, 7th European Society for the History Science conference (Prague, Chech, September 11, 2016). 12. “Peng Huanwu’s Scientific Contributions in Theoretical Physics”, Youth Academic Forum of the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS (Beijing, China, July18, 2016). 13. “A brief History of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences”, American Physical Society March Meeting, (Denver, America, March 6, 2014)——invited lecture. 14. “Searching for Z’ Gauge Boson in an Anomaly-Free U(1)’ Gauge Family Model”, Chinese Physical Society Fall Meeting, (Guangzhou, China, September 22, 2012)