- Marta Nešković
EDUCATION . 9/2023–5/2024 Visiting Scholar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship Initiative. . 11/2021 Doctoral degree in Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade, Serbia. . 10/2016–11/2021 Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Ph.D. studies at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, thesis: Anthropological analysis of martial arts in the Shaolin Monastery at the beginning of 21st century, adviser: Bojan Žikić. . 10/2014–10/2015 École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France, Master 2 in Ethnology and Social Anthropology (M2 Ethnologie et anthropologie sociale), thesis: L’Art du Déplacement comme phénomène culturel local et global: Le développement d’une nouvelle pratique corporelle, entre institutionnalisation et informalité, advisor: Benoit de L’Estoile. . 10/2013–7/2014 École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France, Master 1 in Ethnology and Social Anthropology (M1 Ethnologie et anthropologie sociale). . 6/2013 Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France (Licence de physique). . 9/2010–6/2013 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France, Physics-Mathematics bi-disciplinary course (L1 and L2), and Fundamental Physics (L3).
. 11/2024– Consultant for the Alliance of National and International Scientific Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions . 5/2024 Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences . 4/2022 Research Fellow at the Institute of Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia. . 7/2017–6/2021 Research Assistant and Research Associate at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
1/2023-7/2023 The Kosancicev venac Decentralized Library of Suppressed Heritage, implemented by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. Funded by Filecoin. Engaged as a researcher. 7/2017-7/2021 Identity Policies of the European Union: Adaptation and Implementation in the Republic of Serbia, implemented at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade. Funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (project no. 177017). Engaged as a researcher.
2024 Official candidate of the Republic of Serbia for the UNESCO Martial Arts Education Award. 2023 Member of the winning team at the Innovation 4 Climate pitch organized by Masdar Youth 4 Sustainability Initiative, held at COP28 in Dubai, UAE.
AFFILIATIONS 4/2023- Youth Cultural Ambassador, China Media Group Europe and the United Nations Office at Geneva 11/2022- Youth delegate of the Republic of Serbia for COP27, COP28, and COP29. 9/2022- Antenne Nationale de la Fédération Européenne des Réseaux du Conseil de l’Europe EURETHNO-Réseau de coopération scientifique et technique en ethnologies et historiographie européennes 5/2022- Associate Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science 8/2019- Member of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES). 5/2016-5/2022 Junior Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science.
11/2024– Visit to iThemba LABS (Cape Town and Johannesburg) in the scope of Postdoctoral Fellowship at CAS, IHNS 09/2024– Visit to Institute for High Energy Physics, Beijing, in the scope of Postdoctoral Fellowship at CAS, IHNS 4/2018–8/2020 Fieldwork at the Shaolin Monastery, Henan, China, performed within the Ph.D. studies at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia. 2/2016–4/2016 Investigation of the potential Ph.D. fieldwork site in India and China. 11/2015–2/2016 Internship at the Mother’s Service Society, Pondicherry, India. 4/2014 and 4/2015 Ethnographic fieldwork for the Master 2 thesis in Rabat, Morocco. 9/2013–9/2015 Ethnographic fieldwork for the Master 2 thesis in Evry, France. 1/2013 Internship at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory, Ecole Normale Supérieur, Paris, France. PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES
2024. Nešković, Marta. Shaolin Kung Fu: Exploring Chan Buddhism, Monastic Community and Martial Arts’, Routledge (Accepted for publication, presently in the production process)
2024. Nešković, Marta. Navigating Ritual Resilience: The Interplay of Change and Continuity in the Shaolin Monastery During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 19.1. 2024. Nešković, Marta. Embodied spirituality: Shaolin martial arts as a Chan Buddhist practice. International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology, 8.3. Springer Open. 2024. Situ Zhaodun's Legacy: An Enduring Contribution to Socio-Cultural Cinematography." In Film and Politics: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, edited. 2023. Nešković, Marta. 2023. Shaolin Temple in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Transformation of Everyday Life in a Chinese Monastic Community. Anthropologija 23.3: 75-103. 2023. Nešković, Marta. Report on COP27 and its Implications for Human Security. Cadmus 5.1, February 28, 2023. https://cadmusjournal.org/node/986. 23/8/2022 Nešković, Marta, Lorenzo Rodriguez, and Michael Marien. Education for Sustainability and the SDGs: A Short Guide to Advocating Organizations, Security and Sustainability Guide. https://securesustain.org/education-for-sustainability-and-the-sdgsa-short-guide-to-advocating-organizations/ 8/4/2022 Nešković, Marta and Michael Marien.Young Leaders for Sustainability: A QuickLook at Inspiring Activists, Security and Sustainability Guide. https://securesustain.org/young-leaders-for-sustainability/ 2/4/2022 Nešković, Marta and Michael Marien. Higher Education for Sustainability and Peace: A Quick Look at Ph.D. Programs. https://securesustain.org/higher-education-for-sustainability-and-peace 2021. Nešković, Marta. Život u manastiru Šaolin u vreme pandemije kovida-19 (Life in the Shaolin Monastery in the time of Covid 19 pandemic). In Kovid-19 u Srbiji ’20 (Covid-19 in Serbia ’20), Bojan Žikić (ed.), 251-269. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. 2021. Nešković, Marta. Od fizičkog tela do dinamičkog otelovljenja: ka antropološkom proučavanju telesnog pokreta borilačkih veština (From physical body to dynamic embodiment: Towards anthropological study of martial arts body movement), Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 16.4: 1165-1185. 2021. Nešković, Marta and I. Lazarovski, Youth groups: A quick look at international organizations, Cadmus 4.5: 48–55. 2020. Nešković, Marta. Intercultural pedagogies: Experiencing the Kungfu teaching methods at the Shaolin Temple. International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology 4.13. Springer Open. https://ijae.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41257-020-00040-3 2018. Nešković, Marta and Nebojša Nešković, On the monetarized and non-monetarized contributions to national wealth, Cadmus 3.4: 89–102. 2017. Nešković, Marta. Odnos države i budističke zajednice u Kini (Relationship between the state and Buddhist community in China), Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 12.3: 905–933. 2017. Nešković, Marta. La recherche de la relation entre les processus cognitifs et les techniques corporelles de l’Art du Déplacement (Investigation of the relationship between cognitive processes and body techniques in the Art du Déplacement), Antropologija 31.1: 67–78. 2016. Nešković, Marta. New ways of thinking: Tracing roots of social power and recognizing potential in diversity, Cadmus 2.6: 128–136.
11-22/11/2024. COP29, The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), Baku, Azerbaijan. Online participation as Youth Delegate of the Republic of Serbia. 11-16/11/2025. World Anthropological Union Congress (WAU Congress). Johannesburg, South Africa. 21-25/08/2024. HPAIR Asia Conference 2023, The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Participation as HPAIR Delegate. 2024. Planetery Reconciliation. Time for an Earth-Humanity Coalition, in support of the UN Decade of Science for Sustainable Development 2024-2033, Supporting event of the Zhongguancun Forum, sponsored by BioGreen – Biodiverstiy Conservation and Green Development (ISSN2749-9065), China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), 26 April 2024 31/11-12/12/2023. COP28, The 28th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), Dubai, UAE. Participation as Youth Delegate of the Republic of Serbia. 8/12/2023. COP28, The 28th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), COP28. Discussnat at the panel: Taking Stock of Climate Action Through Concerete Public/Private Sectrors and Youth Led Projects. Organized by Mohammed VI Foundation for Enivronmental Morocco Pavillion at COP28 in Dubai, UAE. Participation as Youth Sustainability Leader (Masdar Initiative). 20-22/10/2023. East Lake Forum. Forum on Science Popularization. Discussant in the panel: Science Popularization for Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity. 20 October 2023, Wuhan, China. 7-9/3/2023 Sixth International Conference on Future Education: Education for Human Security, organizers: World Academy of Art and Science and World University Consortium, Online – coordinator and moderator. 16-19 /1/2023 Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, Youth for Sustainability: Future Sustainability Leaders, place: Abu Dhabi, UAE – participant. 6-18/11/2022 The 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), COP27. Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Participation as Youth Delegate of the Republic of Serbia. 20-22/9/2022 World Conference on Basic Sciences and Sustainable Development, UNESCO International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, place: Belgrade, Serbia – Youth Coordinator. 27/31/8/2019. Spirituality through Martial Arts in Shaolin Temple, China. Paper presented in the panel: Training the Sublime: Between the Spiritualization of Sport and the Sportization of Religion. 27-31/08/2019. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Inter-congress, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland 16-18/7/2019. Foreign Students of Kungfu at the Shaolin Temple: Learning Traditional Martial Arts in Genuine Cultural Setting, Paper presented at the Shaolin Temple Seminar on Chan Buddhism. 16-18 July 2019, Shaolin Temple, Henan, China.
NOTABLE COURSES 3/2024 Member of the evaluation committee for the 2024 science diplomacy course organized by AAAS and TWAS. 19–23/6/2023 Participant in the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy
21/5/2024 Integrating Sciences for Sustainability, presented to undergraduate students of the Renmin University School of Ecology and Environment, Beijing, China. 16/5/2024 Integrating Sciences for Sustainability, presented at the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 3/2023 Kulturni horizonti Kine i Japana (Cultural Horizons of China and Japan), presented within the course Antropologija Starog Sveta (Anthropology of the Ancient World), Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. 3/2022 Osnovni pojmovi čan budističkog učenja u teoriji i praksi (The basic concepts of Chan Buddhist teaching: theory and practice) presented within the course Antropologija Starog Sveta (Anthropology of the Ancient World), Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
7/2021–4/2023 Security and Sustainability Guide – researcher directed by Michael Marien, WAAS Fellow, and Michael Sales. 16/7/2021 WAAS Mentorship Session on Five Big Ideas to Transform Outdated Thinking and Action (online), led by Michael Marien, WAAS Fellow – organizer. 26/5/2021 WAAS Mentorship Session on TAO of Finance (online), led by Stefan Brunnhuber, WAAS Fellow – organizer. 16/4/2021 WAAS Mentorship Session on Mind, Thinking and Creativity (online), led by Garry Jacobs, WAAS Fellow – organizer. 15/2/2021–19/2/2021 WAAS 60th Anniversary Conference (online), Panel: Youth Strategies to Enhance WAAS Global Impact – moderator. 11/11/2017–13/11/2017 Fourth International Conference on Future Education, organizers: WAAS, World University Consortium, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, University of Belgrade, Serbian Association of Economists, and Serbian Chapter of the Club of Rome, place: Belgrade, Serbia – coordinator. 16/11/2017–18/11/2017 Second International Conference on Future Education, organizers: WAAS, World University Consortium, and Roma Tre University, place: Rome, Italy – speaker and youth coordinator. 31/10–4/11/2016 Postgraduate Course on Social Power, Empowerment and Social Evolution, organizers: World University Consortium and WAAS, place: Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia – speaker and coordinator. 12/4/2016–15/4/2016 Postgraduate Course on Mind, Thinking and Creativity, organizers: World University Consortium and WAAS, place: Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia – speaker and coordinator.
LANGUAGES Serbian (mother tongue). English (fluent). French (fluent). Chinese (intermediate).
8/2020 Freedom is sticking to self-discipline, interview with Marta Nešković, CorD Magazine; https://cordmagazine.com/my-life/marta-neskovic-researcher-freedom-is-sticking-to-self-discipline/. 2020 Marta’s cultural tour along China’s Yellow River, Episodes 1–4. Xinhua International. 2019 中国缘, China Central Television 4 – main protagonist. 2018–2020 Into the Shaolin, award winning documentary anthropological film, directed by Professor Sun Hongyun from the Beijing Film Academy. 2023 Journey to the Changbai Mountain, award winning short documentary produced by the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2023 Wind from the East, episode in the documentary series, produced by Youku under the guidance of the Online Audio-Visual Program Administration Department of the National Radio and Television Administration. 2024 Female Scientist Marta, short documentary produced by the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.