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  • DU Xinhao

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Residence:July, 2015 - now



Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in history of science, 2012.9~2015.7


Employment History

Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015.7~now


Research Interest/Areas

History of Agriculture, Environmental History in Pre-modern China


Selected Publications


1.Agronomy Knowledge in Daily-use Encyclopedias in the Mid and Late Ming Dynasty .Shandong Science and Technology Press ,2023.

2.DU Xinhao(eds),Research on the History of Crops in China .China Agricultural Science and Technology Press,2022.

3.Golden Liquid: The Fertilizer Knowledge and Technical Practice in Traditional China (10-19th Century) . China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2018.

4.ZENG Xiongsheng, CHEN Mu, DU Xinhao. Dialogue Between Chinese Agriculture and the World. Guizhou Publishing Group,2013.



Address: Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 55 ZHONGGUANCUN East Road, Beijing, 100190

Email: duxh@ihns.ac.cn